
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Protocols for Wiki-ing

In this sense, freedoms refers to the use of the work for any purpose, and the ability to modify, copy, share, and redistribute the work, with or without a fee.

Protocols for Context

"For some, Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) appears to offer a model of practitioner-led collaborative practice that, through its legislative mechanisms such as copyleft licensing, could be applied to artistic practice in a way that might counteract such problems of recuperation."
page 65
line 10-13
All Problems of Notation Will be Solved by the Masses: Free Open Form Performance, Free/Libre Open Source Software, and Distributive Practice
Simon Yuill

Protocols for indexing

Protocols for drawing

Protocols for representation

Protocols for imagining

Tommy-Lee Coleman, CEO of AuPairs

I am a silicon valley startup tech CEO and I FUCKING HATE copyleft. I'm trying to get my fourteenth startup off the ground (it's like the uber for foreign au pairs) but I keep getting shafted by leftist GitHub activists who license their code with bullshit requirements like "share alike" and "non-commercial". Do they -want- to be poor? Recently I talked with Trevor about it over some IPAs and he shared my distaste, it came to the point that his son, Invictus, had to cancel his dropshipping gig because 94% of his codebase fell under CC-BY-SA and NO way he's gonna make his app open source. He's redpilled, he's chad, he's grindset-oriented.

Protocols for metaphors

Protocols for collective definition writing

Protocols for tagging

Protocols for etymology and avoiding fake friends

Protocols for addressees