During late the last few years and throughout last year you often felt that life is a frustrating struggle. You've carried more than your fair share of commitment and responsibility. People born under the sign of Aries are active bold and impulsive and this last period of restriction has weighed heavy upon you. Your fiery nature just hates to be held in check. So you'll be pleased to know that things will start to change by the spring. The very beginning of the year is still a little sluggish but the demands on you will slowly but consistently lessen. By mid June you will notice that life has become much more easy going and the demands on you will seem far less. By the end of the coming year you will feel less restless and look back knowing that you have worked hard, made changes and achieved a lot. the coming year lays strong foundations for the long term future. You may need to make a deliberate decision to unwind. You've a busy year ahead so make sure there's some space for yourself particularly around mid October. You'll be generally healthy and will have some good news about someone else's health in September. You love luxury and security but both these things seen to have been in short supply during much of last year. So its not surprising that the beginning of this year saw you ready to charge ahead and make sure that you get exactly what you want. This dynamic mood will last right through March. Initiatives taken in September bear fruit in December which is the month when you'll be most lucky and attract lots of people into your social circle. You'll be making a lot of changes this year, they'll involve a lot of hard work but will most definitely be for the best. You have a busy year ahead and must take a break and recharge yourself now ready for the period ahead. April is a month when your energy is very low but overall the coming year is a year when you feel very active. The first part of the year was so busy that you may occasionally have been so stressed-out that you indulged in overeating. A year of opportunity after a somewhat disappointing last year. Your career is now well aspected and there's some wonderful good luck coming your way. You may feel inclined to break with tradition and sometimes people just won't know how to interpret your behaviour. And with this comes a serious warning. You will be tempted to put material considerations above everything. Don't, or you could see the break up of a relationship that means a great deal to you. Irritating as it is, you just have to come down to earth from time to time and let people know that you care. You are a born worrier and are prone to stress and tension. The hectic pace this year means that more than ever you must take time out to unwind. During June, July and September your energy resources are stretched to the limit. Short holidays or the occasional weekend break may be just enough to cool your hothead approach. It's pressure, pressure and more pressure but most of this is of your own making so it can be kept under control. Why not take up a part-time sport such as swimming? It can be a gentle way to keep fit and relieve those aches and pains. Emotions have been running high in your life for sometime now and you've recently been finding it hard to express your point of view. You have also been taken advantage of for a long time and you feel tired out because you've been doing everyone else's work as well as your own. This trend is likely to continue through March unless you put your foot down right now and say 'no'. You love your home but sometimes even you want to get out of your shell and feel a little freedom which is great because the coming year sees plenty of opportunity for travel in nearly every month except July and December. August could take you overseas on a long and very special journey. The moon will be influencing you throughout the coming year making you moody but also opens the door to travel. Make no major decisions on the eclipse on 6th September. Long term health problems are finally dealt with during the coming year. If you've been on a waiting list your turn for attention finally arrives and the results look promising. You are also likely to take more control of your own health and may start cutting out the junk food and start munching fresh fruit and vegetables with lots of wholemeal bread. You may also loose some weight as well! Your natural sensitivity makes you prone to tension, usually because you get too involved with everyone else's problems, so make sure you take some time out that's just for you. This year the emphasis has shifted shift from material concerns to matters of the heart. As the trend continues, you still don't feel ready for this shift in emphasis but, mark my words, soon you'll be pleased it happened. the coming year is an emotional roller coaster but with more ups than downs. If you're single brace yourself for fun but some Leos may experience difficulties with long term relationships. However all Leos will start walking with a spring in their step and will smile a lot more than in last year. Now the warnings: For some there may be a parting of the ways but if your relationship is strong you have nothing to fear. Be particularly careful in August. Its an exciting time ahead but don't take too many chances. You are liable to neglect your health because you are so involved in sorting out so many things during the coming year. Please pay attention to health worries and see the doctor if you're unsure about a complaint. This would be a good year to make positive improvements in your lifestyle. Eat better, take some walks, calm down, give up smoking and soon you'll be glowing with health. You started the year with a feeling that at last you're regaining control over a situation that was beginning to run out of control. The radical changes are behind you and now, at last, you can begin to feel more settled. You may have experienced some health problems which are now on the mend. Work too has been fraught with problems but it's your organisational skills that will restore order this year. The second half of the year is best for you. By then everything will have clicked into place. You're still on the mend from a difficult health period from just before Christmas last year and were still a little prone to illness in the first part of the year. Be sure to wrap up warm because you may be prone to colds particularly in May. And take plenty of vitamins and minerals. Virgoans seem to have a natural affinity with natural healing techniques so look into this for a further boost. By the end of spring you'll be well on the mend and by September you'll feel fitter than ever. You may even enjoy a sport of some kind and will brim over with energy. But there's a down side too. So long as you're strong willed you'll sail through the year healthy. Be especially careful in early September. The last few years have not been easy but you may have noticed that the pressure began to ease from February onward. You still tended to brood over issues and are still much too cynical. This has mainly been because you've found it so hard to get your message across and can sometimes get infuriated by other people's seeming stupidity. The rest of the coming year sees you being much more tolerant and easy going . Your dealings with the world will become much more straight forward and you'll simplify your life to make everything so much easier. This year you will turn over a new leaf and see the way ahead with far greater clarity. A persistent health problem, particularly those connected with bones and joints, will be eased this year. A particularly positive month is shown for December when you or somebody close sees a great health improvement. Try to take it easy during March and April for you may feel that your energy reserves are low during these two months. You have been experiencing a tough time and unfortunately the trend continues for a little while longer. You are naturally restless and love freedom but have experienced a long period of restraint. Although at the moment you may feel that you're stuck in a rut you will notice that life is becoming more and more exciting as the year progresses. March offers opportunity for major change with journeys at this time shown. By the end of April your life has undergone a subtle transformation and you're feeling far more optimistic. July until December brings opportunities for travel and, if you plan to move home, this is an excellent time to do it. You will work hard this year but look forwards to an affluent and expansive time from November onwards. The planets and stars still hold you in check making you feel restless and sometimes moody. You may be prone to illnesses connected with movement such as muscular aches and pains, arthritis and rheumatism. Also bones and teeth may give trouble. So take extra care and keep yourself as supple as you can. Walks and light exercise will bring benefits and drink plenty of calcium rich milk to keep your teeth and bones it peak condition. The first part of the year saw you making domestic and financial compromises and you are now working on plans that will set the trend for many years ahead. This year is a good time to make improvements to the home. The swine flu has missed you this time, but you should check your intestinal organs. By the summer months you'll feel the need for change and will channel your energy into new projects. Travel will be high on the agenda at this time. The latter part of the year is a good time for study and learning new skills. You may write and receive many letters this year particularly from younger people. November and December are times when you may need to free yourself from a commitment that has become a burden. So next time take it easy and recharge your batteries. You don't seem to be suffering from swine flu, but should be aware of the goat flu. Your general physical health is good this year but you may be prone to stress. The important guideline for the year ahead is to rest properly whenever you can so that you don't burn yourself out from over-work. Now you will sometimes find it hard to keep up with the frantic pace you've set yourself. You seem to be having unusual symptoms. Go to the doctor immediately. The pace will slow down for a while in May and you must especially slow down in September. By December you'll be full of self-confidence and surprised at how you ever found the energy to get through such a hectic year. Hurry, worry and curry are your biggest health threats this year. You'll be dashing around and bolting your food so don't be surprised if you suffer from stomach upsets and indigestion. Try to avoid the junk food and rich sauces. Horrible as it sounds you'd be better off with a high fibre diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. But my warnings fall on deaf ears for within a week you'd have forgotten what I've told you and be gulping your food, drink, sweets and indigestion tablets. Be aware that the flu you might be suffering from doesn't differ much from the case of the swine flu. Last year was a trying period when you had to sort out everyone else's problems but had no time to sort out your own. But already you've discovered that this year is a time of expansion and growth in every area of your life. You'll also have a little more time to pamper yourself. It is important that you take a positive attitude and be prepared to overcome your natural indecision and for once be the instigator of new ideas. Jupiter the planet of luck and laughter entered your sign in February so you have no excuses this year for looking so glum. This year you'll take chances and land on your feet. You know that you can do it. Luck is on your side this year and good omens are to be found the health area of your chart. It is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm. There is little more I can say except that you must be careful of minor accidents in March and September. But this is of little consequence, the trends suggest that you'll be healthy this year and, in the unlikely event that you do get ill, will make a speedy recovery. There is a chance you might be suffering from swine flu.