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M: Daily reading practice

J: First thing in the morning: emails, fb, messages on my phone. During the day: things one the internet related to my practice; articles that I find interesting; readings for seminar; finding readings for my practice is hard time-wise; I find it difficult to find good sources.

I also read my own writing, and multiple books at the same time: non-fiction, theory books, about life balance, buddhism, spirituality or flow. I try not to work at home, then the things I read are mostly for leasure. Although actually most of the books feed into my practice again; what interests me in my practice is also what occupies me in life.

I also love biographies.

M: Why?

J: It’s inspiring and tranquilizes me. I get really inspired of human quality of people. I like to find the human, tangible qualities of big personalities in biographies; it brings them closer as humans, and not as figures. It creates relationship between me and characters.

M: relationship with characters?

J: I engage a lot with characters. Fiction gives you possibility of entering into a parallel reality. In everyday life we tend to repeat ourselves. Other people do things differently, and reading fiction gives you access to this different approaches to life: to think about it in a different way, even small things. Fiction can be used as a tool to reshape and redefine the way you do your own things.

M: Do you enjoy reading out loud?

J: No. The only thing I read out loud is my own writing.

M: Is reading a social activity?

J: Yes. My mum used to read a lot. Sitting and reading in common space was a very common habit in our family. (Reading together but not out loud). Being silent together can be a nice moment. It has a bonding quality.

M: While reading, do you keep things for yourself or share?

J: I keep thing for myself.

M: What is the difference between reading things on screen and on paper?

J: Reading on screen makes me less concentrated; it is always a “short” thought; However, long passages also allow short thoughts: maybe this is distraction. But also reading allows for thinking (alongside with reading).

M: In childhood

J: I wasn’t reading so much. I started when I was 15. I was interested in other stuff. I also didn't know how I would pick a book?

M: How do you pick books?

J: I check out people from lectures; some are recommendations or mentioned books by others; recommendations by my amazon logarythm; exchange with people; I’d like to have access to online library that allows you to only write terms and topics and helps you to find books linked to the subjects.

M: Do you think a reading practice is a must?

J: No. I don’t think it’s necessary for everyone. Some people can make their work also without reading. Some people don’t want to engage, they are interested in their thing, it doesn’t have to be a text. Living somewhere can be as worth wile; based on living-experience or practical expertise. There are also loads of things that are not written down; you can learn them by doing them; reading is one of the formats of interaction between people.