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Revision as of 20:37, 6 April 2015 by Danfogarty (talk | contribs)

Dear Katarina and Nika,

I have a few questions concerning some of the titels:

1. Is this the whole title of Angharad’s work? Titel: we will never die Everyone and everything on Pickle Street has some kind of problem or another. For instance, Missing Dog is always missing and Keystone keeps falling out. Pickle Street is cobbled together by Daniel Fogarty and Mitchell Kehe.

2. In Natalia’s title, is The Netherlands part of the titel?

Titel: Songs to a Sea. – Land Reclamations, The Netherlands

3. Does the title of Daniel’s work need to be written with a small letter instead of a capital? ‘weather’ non of Daniels titles have capital letters in then 4. And is the word ‘confirmed’ part of the titel in Seecum’s title?

Soft Powers and the touch, confirmed

5. Madison’s title also mentions ‘Performance with Hannah James and Liz Allen’ is that part of the title? Or is that a kind of medium indication and do you Katarina want that then with all the work?

So it would mean that you have to add everywhere indications like: sculpture, video (duration), performance, reading, painting etc.

Please do let me know a.s.a.p.

Warmly Fleur