Writing Workshop

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Revision as of 10:57, 14 February 2013 by Steve rushton (talk | contribs)


The next writing workshop for the 1st years will be on the Friday 21st of february = 13:00- 16:30

Writing machines # 5 1 = what 2 = dérive 3 = cut-up 4 = questions to an unspecified object 5=

in which you will design a writing machine

the machines will then be applied to your work (as with the questions to an unspecified object)

You will be using a writing machine designed by another person

Maarten and Micha (who couldn't make the last gig) please chat to the others to get an update and take a brows around below

Thanks to Hanna for some very constructive feedback following the last workshop - she suggested we should allow more time to read and discuss what we have written at the end, which sounds like a sensible suggestion to me.

To recap, I will not be setting assignments outside the class for the time being (although self-directed research is always encouraged). This means we will be writing and reading a lot during the workshops.

As you will have noted, there is a big emphasis on group activity, so your attendance is crucial. If you cannot make it please give a very good excuse well before hand.


Writing machines # 4

1 = what

2 = dérive

3 = cut-up

4 = questions to an unspecified object


* Maarten Bel (Netherlands)

* Ann Maria Healy (Ireland)

7-12-12 10-13:00

Small Project Room

In the last session (23-11-12) we watched 'we live in public' (Ondi Timoner, 2009) a film about artist-dot.com millionaire Josh Harris... Whilst Oliver Leric's 'versions' invites an understanding of the image as something which exists to be changed, Josh Harris' 'quiet' and 'we live in public' take the principle of participatory surveillance to its extreme.

Please make a 250 word synopsis of the following texts:

Jos de Mul = 'the work of art in the age of digital recombination'


Lev Manovich = 'remixing and remixability'

You will find print-outs in your pigeonholes

In the next session we will discuss the texts you have generated and look at the work you made in response to the last session (dealing with plagiarism- the copy- the infinitely reproducible image; so remember to have a talking point ready in advance for the next sesh- see below). We will start to talk about them in relation to a visual regime where images are governed by the ABCD principle of the database (Add, Browse, Change, Destroy)

Another text we discussed, relating to disciplinary and control societies can be found here:


see you on the 7th



In the last session we agreed that you would make a response to the issues raised in Oliver Leric's Versions and to the text of your choice in the YouTube Reader; I drew particular attention to Andrejevic's 'Exploring Youtube', as well as a text on brands in the era of immaterial labour by Arrvidson (see links below).

The questions these texts raised (for me) were: a-- if an image exists to be copied, mashed and exchanged; what status does the image acquire and how does our relation to the image change as a result? b-- and what kind of labour does this engender?

The responses you make can be very open; it can be as an individual or as a group.

1) Oliver Laric's link for 'versions' http://oliverlaric.com/

2) and an interview with same http://www.interviewmagazine.com/art/berlin-oliver-laric/

3) here is the link to the youtube reader. http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/Butik-och-Publikationer/Mediehistoriskt-arkiv2/The-Youtube-Reader/ Lots of interesting texts in there but please check out:

Mark Andrejevic Exploiting YouTube: Contradictions of User-Generated Labor - and for more on 'participatory surveillance', see https://www.leuphana.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PERSONALPAGES/Fakultaet_1/Behnke_Christoph/files/literaturarchiv/Arvidsson_Brands-Critical-Perspektive.pdf

Have fun with the self-directed research, lookin forward to seeing the results at the next writin seminar


The assignments ahead of the next seminar (on the 2nd November)

1) After taking into account the points made by your peers in the reading groups on Friday, make amendments to your descriptive text

2) Write a synopsis of a text of your choice. No more than 200 words

We will review them together at the next meeting

Please upload them below by 1-11-12

see ya then :-)


The first assignment is very simply. Please make a description of three of your recent works/projects of not more than 150 words. Remember to stick to nice, clear description. Simply describe what it is (avoid talk of why or how). When we next meet (on the 12th) we will go into reading groups and discuss what the text gives the reader to understand. Please make a link from your name (see below) to your text.

  • To upload: go to edit + highlight your name + click 'internal link' on menu bar + save page + follow the link you just established + go to edit + copy and paste your text + save page = done :-)