Talk:Hunter Longe

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Tentative Titles: - Inter-dimensional, Anti-rational, the Squiggle Inter-dimensionality, the Squiggle and Irrational Exercises to Exorcise Rationality


Sighle like these: What that Portal be? Like the Universe, Squiggle! What if inter dimensional squiggle disorder?

Introduction: _ For my thesis, and my project, I propose to research multi-dimensionality and interdimensional travel, the construct of rationality and the possibility of escaping its grips via practice and the squiggle as a form in nature and art. The squiggle will bind the topics - I don't know anything about string theory but I think it will come up because it is a theory of parallel dimensions, fits in the rubric of science yet to the l seems irrational and when performing a google image search of "string theory", mostly images of squiggly lines appear. Note: Interdimensional beings are often referred to as 'sliders'. Sliders and squiggles sound pretty cool together. - What are different dimensions? - Can an artwork travel through dimensions, be a portal between dimensions or be a different dimension altogether? - I will need to establish just what I mean by Rationality. Is is possible to un-train the conscience or the component of the mind which rationalizes decisions? - Why is my sketch book filled with squiggles and why, when I don't know what to do, do I draw a squiggle? I cannot yet be specific about the form of my final project. I want to get into a groove of making physical things. I want to work in multiple dimensions, I want to use some of the tools I tested last year.

Relation to previous practice: - Formerly, medium was often dictated by concept and content. Now my pieces also develop out of material and process investigation. My work takes the form of sculpture, drawing, video, installation and combinations thereof. Though I do not consider myself a painter, I sense that many pieces have stemmed from an early affection for the medium and its rubric. In final year of several years after my BFA (2008) I was absorbed by a serious fascination for exposing the subjectivity of science in order to level art and science as equally valuable methods for understanding the unknown. I began to realize that an active creative practice itself could indirectly fulfill the drives behind that project and also that I don't want to prove something or battle something. Over the last several years, I entered a more fluid period where my work has playfully addressed a mesh of diverse themes ranging through tension, erasure, distortion, material translation, geological communication, the anthropocene, entropy, shadows, dreams, mimicry and humor. I think that the former topics I have touched on lead pretty well into the topics I want to research in my thesis and final project. I recognize that often times establishing a theme really helps to drive the making of work and inspiring of ideas for pieces. I think that some of the pieces I have made last year could already fit into interdimensional concept, especially the pieces with rocks embedded in plexiglas. See description from Methods text. I notice squiggles in my sketches and as forms I am attracted to. It could be said that squiggles are playful or less serious than a straight line or a grid. It might be this I am attracted to. They also seem to be representative of a gesture.

Practical steps: - I propose to read some theories about multi-dimensionality and the possibility of traveling through them. Some science fiction and probably so basics of string theory - just scratch into the surface of string theory. I would like to explore the possibility of an artwork traveling through dimensions and I will explore this in studio practice via representation and also material experimentation and translation of images and objects through various media. What could a portal or gateway be could categories of medium and genre, time and space be different dimensions?

I would like to develop daily exercises for un-training the side of my brain which constantly tries to rationalize decisions. I will look into the exercises practiced in surrealism, dada, improvisation, maybe even things like hypnosis (please suggest more).

tests in cognitive ability to see if you are more right or left brained differences in male/female brains or adults/children different cultures

I will conduct some introductory research into the history and development of rationality and reason as constructs. I will look at the squiggle as a form in nature and in art, going back to the the earliest bacterial life-forms to modern artists such as Sophie Taube-Arp.

Multidimensions as various versions of our reality - animals/insects/plants version of reality through different senses. Different ways of experiencing the world due to cultural upbringing or mental defects

I heard that some scientists go so deep into scientific research they find God (as in its so complicated and amazing there has to be a 'maker')

The necessity of order and chaos for society- evolutionary biology - creative thought in order to solve problems/progress etc, need for rationality for social order and survival''

aCID TRIP? as research?

What form will the writing take? Play with language to undermine? Change form in each chapter?

hunter proposal stuffzzzzzz from SOl \ \ \ \

I like irrational exercises to exorcise rationality

also rational thought being a kind of deduction process but at root relies on some idea of measurable reality. which is subject to all the problems that comes with. like our eyes playing tricks or scientific instruments making mistakes or quantum uncertainty. that then outstanding truth or whatever is logically derived and reduced from the physical is (for me) one of the key fractures in the rational or the scientific. its all a construction dude. the rational aint real.

formerly when? . in your own work?

books (i can lend which i dunno if its useful - stanislaw lem who wrote solaris (inter dimensional consciousness, etc. I have his book Summa Technologia

i like putting yourself in the middle of a process looking up into squiggles a universal thing and down into being like a basic particle of your practise (in sketch books and whatnot)

angharad might have some hypnology things, she has been hypnotised for her work.

also popular semi hypnotism things, like ASMR? teenager tricking themselves.