Calendars:Fine Art Calendar/Fine Art Calendar/22-06-2018 -Event 4

From Fine Art Wiki

Douglas Kahn colloquium 11:00-13:00 at KdH

Evening lecture at de Player

Energies as Optic in the Arts and Music

Over the last decade vibration has begun to join sound as a means of musical and artistic understanding and possibility. Whereas sound studies developed in part in contrast to visual studies and visual arts, instead of eyes and ears, studies of vibration have moved from ears to bodies, with some venturing out to larger ontological terrain. This lecture proposes adding energies to the mix. Sound and vibration are but two forms of energy among others, after all, and go only so far in addressing artistic and musical self-understandings and material cultures. Rather than percussive big bangs or harmonics of primal vibrations, the lecture pulls up short of ontology to ask how the arts might perform among practices of energy that since the mid-twentieth century have entailed, pace the philosopher Michel Serres, a global self-awareness of tangible self-annihilation.

Collab with Florian Cramer