Seecum's ruff draft

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Revision as of 18:28, 1 April 2015 by Seecum (talk | contribs)


Ωhms & Ωhmens Ohms & Ohmens Ωhms & Ωhmens

The orientation of humanity can be considered as organic entities of electrical currents, from above the city scape and below on the ground - these synaptic grid like systems conduct and connect us to one another - we may try to block one another from passing, but there are ways to subvert of override the route - butting their heads against the veins of a blockage, or a barricade. Why would one want to try such difficult passages when the routes in life can be so fluent and solid. Why add friction to an already seemingly efficient current.

Through the creation of sculptures, assemblages and installations I have tried to create zones which are populated by excess amounts of objects, bound tenuously together in precarious synthetic string. A population of excess mundanity - these objects overflow with abundance over themselves. Marked out by light to create a zone, to create a space that would entrance a fly like it would to a blue light. To see this pull as a zone of charged energies which rub up against one another, which have the potential possibility to produce a friction both negative and positive.

The duality of readings, or the dual aspect to every argument ends in a static still stalemate where opposing conversations and subjective opinions end up into one cyclical argument. Last friday I vomited over my dinner plate, amidst conversation about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict in comparison to the horrendous score of the Brazil vs Germany match 7–1. I had too much to drink, a tobacco rush and was vehemently grossed out by our position to discuss with such conviction topics that were so far away with our limited mediated knowledge. Then the food came, coupled with the oily smell of the Thai food and the sheer nausea of privilege I threw up.

The static. I’m wondering how the objects can be charged, and how these items can move into a moment of transference - of the positive and negative pulls and dualities of every argument. Or whether they should just float in these spaces - suspended and held still for a moment in time to interrogate or to observe.

Resistivity, specific electrical resistance, or volume resistivity. If the ohm is too high then it’ll disconnect the power circuitry.

The translation of connections towards space and culture - and how to be pulled in by it. To speak of it, to see it and understand the pull of external forces which at first appear to govern us - whilst placing us in a realm of open space. Towards understanding the concepts and to see the unseen, to experience the grey space - to understand the projections in which we belong to.

The projections, electrical currents, magnetic pulls - governing forces and opposing ones. To distill it and suspend it to make it visible — — ---

the hand held with the lightest sense of touch holding the stunted intimacy of the connection --- by and by yours abide

File:Red line.png


The translation of connections towards space and culture - and how to be pulled in by it. To speak of it, to see it and understand the pull of external forces which at first appear to govern us - whilst placing us in a realm of open space. towards understanding the concepts and to see the unseen, to experience the grey space - to understand the projections in which we belong to.

Came together to create these islands of thoughts, an assemblage or collage of ideas which float on an island marked out by light.

The coil around the inner tubings. The currents that run deeply into the system, and internal fabrics. How to remove the static - a pause. They’re quiet noisy pauses, or collections of cultural assemblages

The projections, electrical currents, magnetic pulls - governing forces and opposing ones. To distill it and suspend it to make it visible

Waalid Raad - The Atlas Group

a momentary stasis, suspend my gesture ]hold my words[ my commitment supported by our structures

File:Blue line.png

mid zones divided borderline

File:Midzones and borderlines.png

The air charged itself with its stillness,

the rotations of their world began to mobilise and their populated worlds slowly reawakened

in response to the long and carefully co-ordinated tasks that lay ahead.

The cogs, and well invested lubricated constructions of their agreements began to move swiftly and slowly towards its creation. - frederick jameson. The commission for the year 2000 - The jetsons.

File:Turkish president.png