User:Laurier Rochon/readingnotes/bourdieu2/

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Post-discussion notes

  • For De Bourdieu, culture = literature and visual arts (restrictive)
  • There seems to be a clear demarcation between high and low art
  • By mentioning relational thinking at the beginning of the text, he strays away from the individual to focus on the structural considerations
  • Iconography <---> symbolism (reading art through motives - i.e. seeing the representation of an X concept in all works of all time periods)
  • Symbolic form : it's not about the works, but the links between the works
  • De Bourdieu still proposes a form a structuralism, which takes its roots in phrenology, which is based on linguistics (De Saussure). He (De Saussure) constructed the notion of sign which = signified (concept -> what you see) + signifier (the image phonétique, or vehicle for a concept)
  • Perhaps he organized the 1st conceptual art show, which was called Software
  • As mentioned before, De Bourdieu proposes a form of structuralism, but within the context of power structures (Foucault)
  • Is all structuralism, reductionist to some point?
  • Page 2 : The field of cultural production is a field of struggles, a field of forces (read here, socialism : social struggles)
  • Chantal Mouffe : contemporary Marxism.
  • Page 31 : position-taking is completely relational (as in, relational art?)