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Annotations structure intervening XPPL

Screenshot-2018-6-13 XPPL.png Screenshot from 2018-06-12 22-40-42.png

Recipes set-up

Hypothes-is-pdf-audio.jpg Augmented pdf (links, audio, video, images)

  • Annotate the PDF file
  • Annotate the URL of XPPL
  • Develop tool for embedded PDF with sound/ other media

Attempt 1: Steps to host the software in the same machine with XPPL so there is more control over the annotation data and the access of users Installing in my machine:
Database with the annotations locally- able to interact with the database of the books?


  • Concept/Idea
  • I have to accept the users signing in my 'local' hypothesis. How to connect with real users? Using a general user, that could be stayed logged in. One user for each instance?
  • Embed PDF: just embed the h in the url of the pdf Viewer PDF. Configure the sidebar: icon, fonts, hyperlinks.. /home/angeliki/Documents/PZI-ITL/client/src (4)
  • There will be a separate h interface for people to sign up Using one user they will sign up with one password/ The interface to follow the interface and structure of XPPL. Edit the scripts of hypothesis/ Develop the feature for services in the sidebar
  • Interactive hyperlinks, media in the json structure of the api
  • embed PDF with hypothesis in stack(1)
  • BIG ISSUE: the localhost should change to public ip address (Michael)/ or use the IP of the pi. crossbrowser (5)
  • SET UP H. IN PI (6)
  • Make a bash with all the commands needed to run client, h, XPPL/ Organise the installation
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/h$ sudo docker-compose up
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/h$ source .venv/bin/activate
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/client$ export SIDEBAR_APP_URL=http://localhost:5000/app.html
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/client$ gulp watch
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/h$ export CLIENT_OAUTH_ID=b0dedcdc-675b-11e8-8450-0f70f73a2d89
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/h$ export CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:3001/hypothesis
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/h$ make dev
    ~/Apps/rqlite-v4.3.0-linux-amd64$ ./rqlited ~/node.1
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/xpub-lib$ bash ./
    ~/Documents/PZI-ITL/xpub-lib$ python3
  • List of licenses and softwares

Installing to pi fixing errors: Node.js- Phantomjs impossible to install

Useful links: hypothesis client:
http://localhost:5000/docs/help http://localhost:5000/admin

Attempt 2: Plan:

  • embed h

PROBLEM1: file path for the PDF viewer
PROBLEM2: add the viewer with the annotations of pdfs embedded to the stack page
annotate each link of the PDF. (Using that link in my scripts: http://localhost:8000/uploads/title.pdf) embedding the tool. Hosting hypothesis to each PDF online Solutions: to change the path of the files in viewer.html, to interact with app.route uploads at the, to add the viewer.html to the templates? Template that will link all this information (the viewer there, the other things somewhere else and what they do together). embedding Hypothesis in Websites and Platforms

  • export annotations

I want to create a 'block'/html page of exported annotations from the PDFs. So I add the HTML page of the exported material. But also to link every PDF with its own annotations? Interact with the API
back end: API, python scripts, fetch the data in a file (CSV file/JSON of the annotations)
front end: html, css, javascript. put them online. Static first and then dynamic(Javascript of the JSON files)

Connecting to XPPL

Working with the API

from flask import request
import requests
import json

def get_annotations():
	KEY = "6879-n8AksBoSB7kYoQ3eEwzpEr3nFQEmSp3XN-0PcKL_Sik"

	#a dictionary containing necessary http headers
	headers = {
	    "Host": "",
	"Accept": "application/json",
	"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % KEY

	base_url = ""

	search_url = "".join([base_url])

	r = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers)
	#data is a python dictionary 
	data = json.loads(r.text)
	server =
	for row in data['rows']:
		row['uri']= row['uri'].replace('http://' + server+'/uploads/','') 
	return data

def get_annot_results(annot,name):
	for item in annot['rows']:
		if 'selector' in item['target'][0]:
			if len(item['target'][0]['selector'])>2:
				if name in item['text'] or name in item['target'][0]['selector'][2]['exact']:
					data={'text': item['text'],'extract':item['target'][0]['selector'][2]['exact'],'title':item['document']['title'], 'url':item['uri']}
				if name in item['text'] or name in item['target'][0]['selector'][1]['exact']:
					data={'text': item['text'],'extract':item['target'][0]['selector'][1]['exact'],'title':item['document']['title'], 'url':item['uri']}
	return res

def get_annot_book(annot,name):
	server =
	for item in annot['rows']:
		if 'selector' in item['target'][0]:
			if len(item['target'][0]['selector'])>2:
				if name==string.replace('http://' + server+'/uploads/',''):
					data={'text': item['text'],'extract':item['target'][0]['selector'][2]['exact'],'title':item['document']['title'], 'url':item['uri']}
				if name==string.replace('http://' + server+'/uploads/',''):
					data={'text': item['text'],'extract':item['target'][0]['selector'][1]['exact'],'title':item['document']['title'], 'url':item['uri']}
	return res


# annotations
def annotations():
    """Render annotations page."""
    books = db.session.query(Book).all()
    # books = db.session.query(Book).order_by(Book.title)
    # id =
    server =
    rstr=('http://' + server+'/uploads/','')
    annot = get_annotations()
    return render_template('annotations.html', annot=annot, books=books, light=light)

# PDF from annotations
def annotations_pdf():
    annot = get_annotations()
    # Make a PDF straight from HTML in a string.
    html = render_template(('annotations.html'), annot=annot, light=light)
    return render_pdf(HTML(string=html))

def show_book_by_id(id):
    book = Book.query.get(id)
    all_instances = db.session.query(Instance).all()
    previousbook = Book.query.filter_by(id=id - 1).first()
    nextbook = Book.query.filter_by(id=id + 1).first()
    allbooks = db.session.query(Book).all()
    edge = len(allbooks)
    if id == 1:
        previousbook = None
    if id == edge:
        nextbook = None

    name= book.file
    annot = get_annotations()
    res = get_annot_book(annot,name)

@app.route('/search_annot', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def search_annot():
    books = db.session.query(Book).all()
    annot = get_annotations()
    res = get_annot_results(annot,name)
    return render_template('results_annot.html', name=name, annot=annot, res=res, books=books)

html pages

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block main %}
<h1 class="header">Annotations of XPPL</h1>
<a href="{{ url_for('annotations_pdf') }}" style="color:#ff3300;">Get as PDF</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/search_annot" style="color:#ff3300;"> Search</a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

{% for row in annot.rows %}
  {% if 'selector' in[0] %}
    {%for book in books%}
      {%if book.file == row.uri%}
      <p align="right" style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;">Book</p>
      <a href="books/{{}}"><p align="right" style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;">{{book.title}}</p></a><br>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if[0].selector|length > 2%}
    <p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;">Extract</p>
      <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;"><i>"{{[0].selector[2].exact}}"</i></div><br>
      <p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;color:#ff3300;">Annotation</p>
        {%if '' in row.text %}
          <a style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;" href="{{row.text}}">{{row.text}}</a><br>
        {%elif '.jpg' in row.text%}
          <img src="{{row.text}}" alt="{{row.document.title}}"  width="400">
        {%elif '.mp3' in row.text %}
          <a style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;" href="{{row.text}}">{{row.text}}</a><br>
          <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;">{{row.text}}</div><br>
        {% endif %}

    <p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;">Extract</p>
      <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;">
       <p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;color:#ff3300;">Annotation</p>
        {%if ''in row.text %}
          <a style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;" href="{{row.text}}">{{row.text}}</a><br>
        {%elif '.jpg' in row.text%}
          <img src="{{row.text}}" alt="{{row.document.title}}" width="400">
          {%elif '.mp3' in row.text %}
          <a style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;" href="{{row.text}}">{{row.text}}</a><br>
          <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;">{{row.text}}</div><br>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;">{{row.text}}</p><br>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

<!-- dump of the API json annotations -->
<!-- dump:
</pre> -->

{% endblock %}
{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block main %}

<form style="float:left;" action="/search_annot" method="GET">
  <div style="float:left;" class="search">
  <input type="text" name="query" value="">
  <input style="background-color: grey; color:white; font-family: archivo narrow; font-size: 18px; border: none;padding: 8px 24px;" type="submit" value="browse annotations"></input>
<a href="annotations" style="color:#ff3300;"> All annotations</a><br><br>

<h1 class="header">Annotations/ Extracts with:&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>{{name}}</i></h1>

{% for row in res %}

    {%for book in books%}
      {%if book.file == row.url|replace('http://localhost:8080/uploads/','')%}
      <p align="right" style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;">Book</p>
      <a href="books/{{}}"><p align="right" style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;">{{book.title}}</p></a><br>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

<p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;">Extract</p>
    <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;">
      <i>"{{ row.extract }}"</i></div><br>

<p style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:10px;color:#ff3300;">Annotation</p>
{%if ''in row.text %}
          <a style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;" href="{{row.text}}">{{row.text}}</a><br>
  {%elif '.jpg' in row.text%}
          <img src="{{row.text}}" alt="" width="400">
          <div style="font-family:archivo narrow;font-size:18px;color:#ff3300;">{{row.text}}</div><br>
  {% endif %}

{% endfor %}

{% endblock %}


Questions arisen during my process of dealing with the XPPL project:

  • Frictions: bridging together two different realities (an already made application and an interface of a library/ an already made community and a team/fine arts-xpub)
  • Two different communities/public spheres
  • The 'otherness' in the process (an alien tool intervene, trying to adjust it)

The structure of tool is based on the contribution of individual users. How an external tool can be part of xppl, by following its conceptual context?
Legal object (annotations and extracts of the PDFs)/ illegal object (PDF downloaded with annotations) The collective identity (ref. gregor)