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--->talk also with people that don't take notes
--->talk also with people that don't take notes
=== 26.09.22 ===
==== M&Ms session and results ... ====
===== references =====
[[Politics of Craft|]]
===== prototyping =====
focus group session on servers:

Revision as of 14:49, 26 September 2022

.my notebook is the place where everything is // i like to annotate in there what get stuck into my brain for one reason or another (//not all the thoughts are my exclusive property)

stuff that comes a bit from my thoughts and some from my paper notebook, but in a timeline order to keep everything organised.., my real researchlog is somewhere else...............


I am starting a new page on my wiki to start the new year being sure everything i'm doing will be documented and not forgotten.. my brain is like a broken sponge sometimes

We had a first prototyping class today, started to organise our thoughts around what we think we could possibly focus on for the next 10 months, this is what I summed up [from]

KEYWORDS: text, translation, playfulness, the sociality of text, books, libraries, distributive practice, collectivity, text, share, tools, annotation methods, modularity, anti-standardisation, reading, writing.
What is kept/lost in the process of translation/of annotation/
Create a temporal community for temporal archives and temporal (learning-together) workshops for temporal research: 
The archive dil(emma): what happens to notebooks when they’re full? [see diaries archives]
Create a temporal archive by collecting notes that are not being used anymore, to be seen 
Can this open a new life for forgotten notes?
Collection of sample notebook prototypes + Hybrid/digital prototypes: online tools to create layouts, print instructions, but also to play with forgotten  texts
I want to have more, to be able to play with my notebook, to know it better. I started to reason on how, as we’ve been creating our personal tools online, we could also create our personal analogue tools. Notebooks are individual and personal objects, but they’re treated like everyone has the same need from a piece of paper. 
Someone said (Brendan Howell): our collective work is having new ideas to find better alternatives to th(e ma)instream ways that shut down every imagination chance, they offer the “best” way. Do it in a different way. + "Thus, throughout, I demonstrate how a certain thread of experimental poetry has always been engaged with questioning the media by which it is made and through which it is consumed” [Lori emerson - interfaces] —>  the medium is the message (mcluhan)

SUMUP_ what did we come up withhhhhh?????????????????????

this is what came out as a common ground between all our thoughts:

< workshops / audience participation

< prototyping platforms

< research on unknown stuff

< how to intrude commercial practices and BREAK THEM

< publishing practices

< studying the intentions of a design format

< questioning standards

M&Ms sessions - ideas

When the M&Ms sessions have been described someone has to propose something for next week 26.09.22 and I have a strong need to start sharing my ideas about notebooks and see how other human beings react to it.. I need this especially if i want to organise workshops, so in the next week I will work on how this session could function in a way that it's helpful both for participants and for me and my research development.

Here some ideas I got yesterday:

Two by two in pairs, the notebook is mutually analyzed

The participants discuss and write down the results of the conversation on individual sheets - >> write questions (at least three) and try to answer them on a piece of paper

Notebook with tape where I attach all the single sheets together of all the workshops that I will do and in the end I will have a nice folder

Experimenting is sometimes hyperbole and exacerbating a concept so it also means being able to create a notebook that is no longer functional but concretely describes the meaning of the desire or need

The result of the workshop is the analysis of what the participants want, the comparison with each other, exchange information, think imagine experimenting with the limit of paper. How can this limit be disrupted? --> kim talked about disrupting standard formats!

Thesis/Grad project - ideas

Create a temporal archive: what happens if I put everything (notebooks) together for a while? And then what to do with them?

Create an xpub notebook archive for consultation

Interpretation and comparison of annotation on the same content


Talked with Michael about next year and looked at old publications..

I liked: the work by Loredana Bontempi on Ddump, recycling in the digital context because it talks about what can come out from what has been erased on laptops and made me think how can I research why some notes become useless? can they be recycled? I also thought about recycled translations at some point last year

First notebook kit.jpg

Plus, today I delivered to Supi the first notebook kit: An adjustable and editable notebook with included tape and papers for continuation

The idea is that this type of notebooks allows the user to build it up easily as their needs come over and adjusting and editing while using it and not being forced to stay in a standardised area for standardised notebook users.

M&Ms sessions - ideas

Write an example list of needs that I have, so participants can understand better what is this about: a notebook where to write my thoughts (need to be small and available at all times), a notebook with a drawing section, for uni&research notetaking, plus additional random topics like ideas or bills counts..etc --> how do i include all of this in one notebook?

Present Supi's case (ask if she's up for it)

Thesis/Grad project - ideas

The thesis will be a modular notebook where the reader can move inside [or that the reader can build by themselves] from place to place, reconnecting content.


Made a prototype for chae (a multicolumned notebook: could we fold it more?)

Officially opened the notebooks (temporary) archive

M&Ms sessions - ideas

Trying to figure out M&Ms session..

As it's an explorative session, it's mostly going to be me asking them to react to my questions

I want them to start reasoning.. can we also fold paper?

ask to fold a piece of paper, or to keep it in their hands during the session and start reasoning on it

print questions on little cards?

talk in couples? or all together?

last question is about "what to do with what's left" that will lead to chae's session

to do:

<print questions on cards to be spread on the table

<selection of paper to be spread on the table to be picked at the beginning


[throw both cards and papers on the table]

Hello, this is me

.idea workshop described

.pick a piece of paper, ask to fold, or to keep it in their hands during the session and start reasoning on it, on its spaciality

.ask to pick some questions from the table and start discussing together, everyone can say their opinion on one or more questions

.last question is about "what to do with what's left" that will lead to chae's session


graduate seminarrrr

we're presenting each other's works

result of interview 01

#2 (20min-)

Interviewee EMMA

Interviewer GERSANDE

Note-taking LUCA

G: can you maybe summarise for us again what is your interest in diaries sketchbooks and notes

E:  first actually the first reason why I started to think about that is because I felt a bit compassionate about stuff that’s not taken into consideration, started to reason how notebooks and diaries are a different think, notebooks most of the ime are this temporal space where people write things on and use them to learn things in the moment and throw it away, whereas diaries are more so a description of yourself and your thoughts. They already started to make diaries archives, but never heard what to do with old unused  notebooks. The way we take notes comes from characteristic of out person, cultural, social.

The reason why I am interested in notebooks is because of culture studies swell as from a practical point of view, finds it weird that every person writes in the same way with the same device and it doesn’t make sense because we are all different and need different methods to engage with a piece of paper, annotate things, remember things, learn things. Not every is one fit.

G: are you interested in prototyping new mediums … or studying old ones

E; the first step I would like to take is to create explorative sessions for people to start on what media they are using, they really go along together because I really want to make new prototypes, have already been making them. To be able to teach people to make them themselves, put them in a situation of resigning and creating for yourself.

G: how would you go around

E: explorative sessions, could be called workshops, don’t know about answers just have a lot of questions, sessions as a moment for people to answer my own questions to understand their individual needs to start to create a new way of notebook for them.

G: what will you hope this will achieve

E: I think I already achieved something, already talked with some people about it, quite niche takes with people about it who had thoughts but were still using standardised notebooks but through questions and talking looked at other possibilities of creating or prototyping new ways. Creating a reaction in people by talking about it. Could also go really bad because nobody gives a shit about it and everybody could be happy with their basic A5

G: for you it is also about making it exciting right ?>

E: I am passionate about this and people like to talk about themselves and their needs, anyways if this doesn’t really work, as a project idea, the other part of this interest is what to do with what is left. So I thought about an archive research/project maybe using the workshops as methodologies to gather information and meet and talk with people about these topics. Putting them in an already started archive but not knowing what will happen afterwards as this collection of notebooks may as well not fit together. What are ways for notebooks like this to survive , there has to be something to be done.

With cultural analysis it could be you and me in a room and both of us are taking notes of the same lecture its gonna be two different points of view on the same thing and this could open up on other ideas.

G: you already had the already existing notebooks and what they mean / making notebooks up to peoples ends / case study of comparing notes in a certain context/ can you talk about this comparing notes ? You could possibly build up an archive of notes that are taken by different people at the same time/ lectures

E: starting point of notes from different people on pub lectures

G: we where talking about the overproduction of media the other day, if you think about it 20 people in the same class take notes on the same shit and have 20 notebooks filled with the same stuff. Weird. We take a giant amount of photographs of the same things over and over, just something interesting. I kind of made me think about subjectivities and point of view onto things actually the same thing is gonna be different for everyone because of the expression of myself and my way of looking at t things .

G: do you wanna share your vision of this to others

E: no I don’t know I don’t wanna put myself anywhere, want to be a mediator, archivist, analyst

Would like to have people reacting to this to not have myself be the subject of this research

G: are you always researching along of people eor is there also individual research

E: deifntily also individual research for example for the thesis because gonna need all the information to have grounds for a project with meaning and sense.

G: how do relate this to what has been your practice so far?

E: actually started to make recycled notebooks during my bachelor already, in that cause it was mostly about recycling materials and reusing materials to make notebooks and I really like to use like trash to make notebooks and then the idea of I mean I’ve seen so many super cute like notebooks that can be trashy that I am tired of them and also heard a lot of people feeling guilty in using nice notebooks and trashy notebooks are therefore better for people because they get used.

Always been interested in the materials of objects and their touch and on modularity and how to build up things together and again its really a lot related with suvbjectivicviy the fact that even a publication you can make yours in a way that every person that uses it can react in their own ways, so I I think its a lot about finding a place for everything and disrupt known formats and ideas

G: not interest in other forms of note taking ie phone

E: taken into consideration, why do they prefer it, how is memory a part of note taking, that’s all really like a personally thing, and I think that the digital part is interesting and I thought about a notebook that can move like a nomadic pupbilicatn and can move through different mediums and transform and morph through other mediums. Moving from one media to the other and then because of obviously the digital thing can offer you something I dot want to, the discussion about the paper is dead and all is always the same it all goes along together, if its gonna come Its gonna come.

G: d you have like a physical outcome in mind, physical can be digital or material or is it about proposing methodologies ? What’s the end goal

E: artist in exhibition: adopting your research to a human size, so that she just puts the book there and looks at people interaction, observing.

I though for example with an archive It would be nice to see what people can actually do with it how people react to it instead of me deciding or showing it, I thought about an exhibition about archives but obviously the way I am gonna show this archive is gonna be importatnbt not just gonna be there and stuff. Its about understanding what people can do with these things .

G: do you want to add anything

E: I mean I think its gonna either an exhibition or a participative exhibition/workshops leading to a distributive practice- pushing to people to think and react.

--->talk also with people that don't take notes


M&Ms session and results ...



focus group session on servers: