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Revision as of 17:15, 11 November 2014

Writing the oposit; Clara


A long, slow panorama shot shows a colorful, uneaven landscape, a female voice over call out ”Cat, Cat, Cat, Cat”, words, that seams to disappear in to the scenery.

A pair of female feet flashes by quickly, but you still are able to catch the her jumping movements.

Another slow, long shot of that colorful landscapes accrue on the screen. The richness of its colors, the structures of the uneven grounds and the details in the ever switching shadows struck your sight.

Again flash of footage. This time it shows the whole legs of the woman, still jumping, shot from a right side angel.

The colorful landscape accuer. The camera rests here now and it is slowly examination the scene.

The footage then cuts in to a straight on profile shot of the woman’s legs and makes her left leg almost disappear.

A pitch black images from a cat’s inside flashes by and over to the backside of the woman’s bare ankels. She has tide sliver silk ribbons tightly around both her ankels, it makes it harder for her, to perform the jumping.

Back to dark inside of that cat, after a while the animal slowly opens its mouth, letting light in and you can see that on the bottom of its stomach lies a golden ribbon.

The woman’s legs accrue again, she is still performing the jumping movements and her feet lift themselves high up over the ground.

A second woman makes an entrance, she and the cat are both lying on their stomaches, facing each other and with a rapped pace they start to are crawling backwards, making the space between them bigger.

A close up, fronting shot of the woman’s legs again. She has stopped jumping and is now still, like she is waiting.

The distance is getting bigger and bigger between the secound woman and the cat and after a while the woman disappears out from the picture and the cat is left by itself.

A new behind shot from the first woman’s legs, she has resumed the jumping movements, bending the hollow of her knees in a structured and comfident way.

The camera catches up with the crawling woman, pans over her body and ends up with framing her head.

You can see the light from the cats moth, the ribbon is curling itself up in its stomach.

A bird shot of the woman’s legs comes in to picture, still jumping, still fast, still you can see the ribbons tight to her ankles.

The legs from the second woman are shot from behind, she is also jumping but she keeps the hollow of her knees bent.

Next birdshot frames the faces of the two woman. Their cheaks are pressed to each other, almost lite they want to melt together. The camera zooms out and you can again see more of the colorful landscape that they are in.

The camera angel changes. A behind shot shoes their heads close together, still pressing their cheeks together, it looks like almoast try to kiss.

A last shot of the second woman’s legs from a bird perspective come up. She as stretched her legs a bit more and a ribbon blows by, then she bends her knees again, down, down, down, so that you can see her whole over back and over body.