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Over the christmas break I've been watching this dating show on MTV. It's unquestionably heterosexual and american. I suppose the concept would also work with a cast that isn't american, but it would be a different show then. Or at least a different viewing experience. The people on the show, ten men, ten women, are quite amazing really. It's kind of unclear how old they are, which is weird because little captions appear in the bottom left corner of screen every time they speak directly to the camera in this candid yet private kind of way. The caption gives their name and where they're from, city and state.

Chris "Scali" Scali Brooklyn, NY

Shanley McIntee Indianapolis, Indiana

Brittany Baldassari Boston, Massachusetts

But never their age. I guess if one is looking for the love of one's life that means that one is at least in their mid-twenties or something. Like has had longer term relationships, has loved and experienced heart break, maybe even more than once. All the guys are super buff and all the girls usually wear quite a bit of make-up, and revealing and or tight clothes, and have really good hair, even though they're on Hawaii and I imagine the air is humid and they're sweating. For ten weeks they're all living in a swanky house, sharing one enormous bed situation that takes up a whole room of considerable size. They get drunk a lot and perform various displays of courtship. They never really cook apart maybe from a few eggs for breakfast. I imagine they just finished college or are be in-between jobs, maybe saved up some money to be able to take part in a format like this? Winning a collective one million dollars, 50.000 per person, surely holds quite different realities for each of them.

Then there is the question about the scientists. The viewer never sees them, their job has ended before the filming even starts, yet their methods and authority hovers over everything. No one ever questions the truth of their match-making results, or raises the question if love really is the same as compatibility based on facts derived from a catalogue of questions. Or even speaks about what love is.

I saw this picture of you recently - you looked beautifully three dimensional in the way that a cookie is flat but also slightly raised.

I made a little stage, or a single room doll house out of a cardboard box. It has three walls and a floor, but no roof and the outside is painted white. Small figures made from wire and tangerines. I remembered how much I enjoyed making little things when I was a little human with little hands. Nowadays my hands are a little bigger and for a while I'd forgotten that I like making little things the best really. There is a weird preference for large-scale that I've encountered it in different areas of life,

The word blanket A while ago I started to put together a list of all the english vocabulary I have to look up while reading texts both in and out of school. Parallel to this I've been trying to come up with motives that I can embroider a blanket with, just a piece of cloth really, but I'll call it a blanket because I like the protection and coziness the word conveys. I had considered an organ blanket with all the vital organs on it but the idea didn't seem so strong, and then I started the list of unknown words. In a way I think organs and words are related, they're both structural units connected to serve a common function. A language body.

The soup that's also a planet and loose narrative that's set inside a body. It doesn't have to be a human body, ……..