Edward Clive (UK)

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Revision as of 13:44, 20 March 2012 by Edward Clive (talk | contribs)

Edward Clive Thesis outline – first draft:

The first chapter consists of four short anecdotes from personal experiences. These do not reference directly art-making, but act as studies to the conditions which affect the work I make. The aim of these anecdotes is to create a lens, through which the methodology of my own work can be viewed and unpacked. The anecdotes oscillate between micro and macro descriptions; the personal and banal flipping to grand historical narrative and complex systems. The subjects in these short descriptions vary but they point to interests in interface, image-making, human-object relationships, and virtuality. These in turn, could lead more specifically, to further research into Nudge Theory, Choice Architecture, scientific objectivity and Libertarian Paternalism.

The second chapter will start to decode the observations presented in the first chapter, their relationship to my own working methods as well as citing other examples of artworks/thinkers/practices negotiating similar territory. Potentially this could lead to the third chapter being a culmination of these observations and their interpretation into a framing of the work I intend to show for my graduation project.