What was the last thing you agreed to do? This morning, getting out of bed: Difference between revisions

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Am laufenden Band, sculpture & performance, 2010 [1]

What was the last thing you agreed to do?
This morning, getting out of bed (laughter)
Oh - that's not agreeing, nobody... really?
Yeah - they call me for an e-pick so I have to come out of bed and they call me at 6
and you didn't get -
and otherwise I have to get here at 10 o'clock
and you didn't get cold feet, you didn't think - oh actually I don't want to
so you got cold feet?
I get cold feet
in the past now
I got cold feet
I was there - in the meeting and they told me they didn't call her (short dry laugh)
they didn't call you
I said, you can call me on my phone
and Walt was lucky, he switched his phone to what do you call it -
home phone
his home phone
who was on call today?
they called her, but they didn't make an e-pick
so we had a discussion with the big boss there, no the e-pick was at 6:30 you called her and then you make an e-pick, its the wrong way. now its our fault we picked too less
but they could wait
its a fault from them but they want to blame us
so ok just to get it straight, they called you first, but they didn't actually have a - whatever - an e-pick? and then it came in later
they have to call, I didn't come for nothing
and now they are saying you didn't pick enough -
no they are saying they didn't call me
right ok, but who did you speak to?
one of the production
there are 3 men of production
they start at 6.30 that's the problem
they call her at 10 minutes after 6
they called me but err, what do you call it, i am not authorized
to call or to pick?
to pick
I say can you wait and they say no
ok great. is this a normal scenario?
no normal scenario is they make an e-pick they call someone out, he or she or another one, they pick it then it can go continue. they work 24 hours and we 8
they work 24 but in a team though
in three teams
and you work 8
hm hm
is it a bit depressing?
not the first time
if its a bit depressing do you think you should stay depressed or should you try to be happy?
er -a little bit more eh we've got a few phone calls the last few weeks, i was here 2 times on Sunday, one on Sunday night, she was here on Monday night. its too much. far too much
but what's the cause, why are they ringing?
mostly it a stupid fault from production
they get enough, there is always enough components, but when they make a mess of it, or they think - hey - we have to open the cartons, make it new. we have to make new cartons. Its a fault from production
it's a fault or are they doing on purpose?
it's a fault
ok it's a fault
is it about training, do they not have enough training?
training enough, but it's always very quick
more lazy
more lazy from them, not thinking
bad communication between the teams. when I'm working with Wouter and he's coming after me, I'll tell him all impression of, what's done, what's the problem, but they don't do that. when their shift is done they are going home
fuck the rest
so then you have to come back in
mostly someone making a mistake and a few days later the mistake - they'll join it to the others. thats the problem so it accumulates, gets more and more
yes, and always we are the blame
really? but you are also blaming them
tell me. you can come with me to the morning meeting (laugh)
oh I'd love to
no. it's not nice, its not friendly
and are production in the meetings?
production, pa, planning. its not a nice meeting i can tell you
really? are people shouting ? do they shout?
no, they are not shouting, but always when there's something wrong its always our fault you have to be fair, you have to explain everything and then ok ok. but last week i have an e-pick for 7 syringes, normally we don't do an e-pick er - we picked 7 too much according to production and also on the system but it was a putaway before that when they make a mistake with a putaway, partial putaway
ok what does it mean?
yeah they send something back with a number, how much in this box, when they make a mistake now there was more in the box they told me, there was too much. the system there was 7 left, we asked where is the sticker where is the paper on the back they couldn't find it. the system tells us we was 7 too much so it was our fault
what did you have to do?
yeah, make an epick physic
physically - just in the system
but did you have to open the boxes?
no we don't open the box, never (laugh)
you just made another box
no just just an e-pick in the system. pick 7 in the system. only on the paper you can see it and then it was ok. It was a very strange story
but it was because they lost the paper
thats when they lost the paper, we got the blame
and did you - could you explain it in the meeting
yeah we explain everything next time, every time they accuse us - we want papers, we want proof then we can say ok we are wrong or its a shame because production and picking should be working together right?
yes (dry laugh)
its very strange these companies, so strange, you got planning prod ware house we are always separate you have to compare with everyone you have to collaborate with everyone but it's not working
why not?
because one day we are doing good things, they receive the awards, not we
because the big boss doesn't like the warehouse, he likes the production
yes the company is various and if the big boss is acting like that something is wrong
how - how can you feel that the big boss doesn't like warehouse?
we have several bosses but i don't think any of them like -
no one from the big boss is coming downstairs
ah ha, but do they go to production though?
and they get awards
when something is rich they get the award
what does award mean?
oh its money
mostly its money, or a present. we don't get anything