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Latest revision as of 14:17, 30 September 2015

upload texts here

Madison, what, how, why?

Angharad, what, how, why

Mat, What, How Why?

Michael, What, How, Why?

Mitchell, what, how, why

nika what, how, why

seecum what, how, why

Daniel what, how, why

Raluca what, how, why

Niels what, how, why


Clara WhW

Katherine what how why

Adam Lewis-Jacob


WhoWhatWhy # 2

Mat - Who, What, Why #2




What is context and why # 1


Bring along a text, an art object (repro) by another and a piece of popular media (film,clip &c)

Make notes together on pirate pad

16 Oct

AM: note taking # 2

1) Watch film together

2) Take notes Individually

3) Review notes in big group

4) Form editorial teams (of three): make text by combining information from each other's texts.

5) Publish texts on wiki below

First thing note taking

PM: What is context and why #2

150 words on art piece, text piece or media piece.

Write alone

Review texts in groups 3:30

Make changes 4:00

Upload here: 4:45




Tracy H









Mat - Context 150

30 Oct

Kate Briggs: What is a Synopsis?

Some synonyms for the verb to synopsize include: to sum up, to encapsulate, abstract, to boil down, to digest... Our work today will be to produce a sequence of synopses of different sorts of texts (one of which you will bring along with you), to practice synopsizing as a research tool - a useful way of dealing with the texts you read -, but also as a provocative writing strategy in its own right.

For the seminar bring a text of max 2 pages that you have been reading recently


11:00 Intro to Kate, what she does and what she will be doing today.

11:30 Split into writing-reading groups of 3 to work on a short "synopsizing" exercises

12:30 Read aloud and share the work we have done.

13h Begin work on a synopsis of the texts you have brought with you, working with different lengths: a sentence; 3 sentences; a short paragraph.

15:00 Meet as large group to review what we have done so far (upload drafts to the wiki)

15:30 Resume work in groups

17:30 Review work done

18:00 Round up

upload synopses here

11- Nov

Writing Machines

10:00: Intro by Steve.

Versions 2014

(extract) Molly (sucking stones) and What Where : Samuel Beckett

Writing Machines. N. Katherine Hayles wrote a book called Writing Machines, Andrew Goldsmith talks about them in his own book Uncreative Writing. They offer ways of making texts and ways of understanding what text is. Today we will look at examples and design and operate our own.

10:30: Discuss how to design and operate a writing machine

12:45 Meet to discuss designs and tests &c

11:00: Work in groups

12:45 Review designs

16:30 Meet as group to discuss progress

upload writing machine design and outcome here

27 Nov

Writing Machines Week Two

Also. Tutorials with Steve = in groups of two or singularly

Meet as group - recap writing machines



URL = make link

Niels - Interviewed by Mike

Mat - Interviewed by Raluca

Raluca - Interviewed by Mat

Kari - interviewed by Madison

Kari - wild gluey fold out nonsense

Madi - Interviewed by Kari

Katherine badly formatted poster

Katherine - interview edit

Katherine - interviewed by Tracy

Mitchell - interviewed by Daniel

Daniel - interviewed by Mitchell

Nika - Interview by Clara

Seecum - Interviewed by Adam

At the N C.A.C

10:00 = Steve outlines the project=

what is the N C.A.C and what are we doing there? The curator's brief

11:00 = into groups of two

11:00 = prepare interview 1

11:10 = conduct interview 1 (20 minutes max)

11:20 = prepare interview 2

11:30 = conduct interview 2 (20 minutes max)

12:00= transcribe interview


13:00 = continue transcription

14:00 = edit your partner's text

16:00 review in group

10 Feb

Thanks be. It is Jstor Day

17 Feb

Jstor Day (continue)


Continue to make notes on texts you picked on Jstor day

Upload them here:

Kari - JSTOR Notes

Mat - JSTOR Notes

Clara - JSTOR Notes

Niels- notes

Mitchell- notes

Also please answer this brief questionnaire

What drew you to this text?

What is the text's relation to your work, or more general research interests?


Team up with one other to review your notes

Mat's notes on Dan's text

daniel's notes on mat's text

katherine's notes on mike's text

Mike's notes on Katherine's text

Clara's notes on Niel's text

Niels his notes on Clara's text

Mitch's notes on Tracy's text

Angharad notes on Tracy

Tracy notes on Mitch

5 March

Description update. Using the method we used in the first sessions describe the what, how and why of a work you made.

Additional question. How could this develop?

Describe up to three works as comprehensively as possible in 600 words (200 per work)

Remember to split the text into what, how and why for each work, ending with a reflection on how the work could develop

10:30-12-30: write text

12:30 upload your text on the wiki so your readers can read it over lunch

In groups of three: read and comment on the texts of your two peers. Make notes on the comments by your two peers

14:00 meet with your readers and discuss your text. As reader you will tell the writer what the text gives them to understand. remember to remain silent while they give feedback. This is about what the text communicates, there is no point in verbal justification on behalf of your text if it is not communicating what you intended.

15:00-16:30 edit text after taking note of the comments given by your readers.

16:30 meet as a group to review process and consider the following in relation to the text you have just written.

1) How does the work you described relate to your previous practice, how did one develop from the other? 2) How does it relate to a broader cultural context or art object(s)?

Mat WHWD V.1

Kari descriptor thing

Daniel W H+W

Raluca WHWD

mitchell WHWD

niels whwd

madi whwd

Clara whwd

Tracy whwd

Nika whwd

Seecum WHWD

Angharad whwd

Katherine WHWD

18 March

This session and the next will be devoted to compiling and writing a text on your work



The specific outcome for the RW&RM seminar of 2013-14 will be a 1500 word text which reflects on your own method and situates your work in relation to a broader artistic and cultural context. The various texts produced within the RW&RM seminar will serve as source material for your text on method. In common with all modules on the course RW&RM serves to support the other elements of the course (Self-directed Research, Issues in Art & Theory, Practice-Group Critiques &c.). Therefore, the text on method will inform your Self-Evaluation at the end of the third trimester and provide the basis for your Graduate Project Proposal that you will produce in the fourth trimester.

Brief for 1500 word methods text (which you will do at the end of the second trimester).

The aim of this assignment is to use description of your work as a way of identifying and articulating your method. Describing first what and then how and why you make work often leads to discussions of the works context (what work is similar to the work you describe; what are the key ideas the work deals with).

The theoretical elements of the texts you write should therefore emerge from, and have a very clear connection with, the work you are making.

18 March: Outcome ¬– first draft by the end of session one

10:00 - meet too discuss session

11:00 - make rough draft

14:00 - review drafts in groups of 3-4

15:00 - resume writing draft

16:30 - big group review

Please upload your texts here:

Katherine 1st draft giant

Natalia 1st draft

examples of previous texts

Print out all the texts you have produced (individually and collectively) during the seminar, these will serve as material or notes for this session and the next.

Outline for the text (this is a guide rather than a prescription)

General note on mode of address. Write as if to someone not familiar with your work.


Introduction Current Practice (resource: here you can use the descriptions made in the last session)

Relation to previous practice

How does your current work connect to previous projects you have done? (resource: here you can use the descriptions made in the first sessions)

Relation to a larger context

Outline practices or ideas that go beyond the scope of your personal work. Write briefly about other projects or theoretical material which share an affinity with your project. It is simply about showing an awareness of a broader context, which you will later build upon in your project proposal and writing component in the second year (resource: here you can draw on the texts from the interviews and from the session using Jstor and the session ‘what is context and why’ [oct-2])

Research strands

Consider the possibilities open to you and where you would take your work in the near future (resource: here you can draw on the texts from the interviews and from the session using Jstor)



A list of references (Remember that dictionaries, encyclopedias and wikipedia are not references to be listed. These are starting points that should lead to more substantial texts and practices.) The references need to be formatted according to the Harvard method. See:

1 April text on method

This is the last session

Here is a reminder of the outcome:


The specific outcome for the RW&RM seminar of 2013-14 will be a 1500 word text which reflects on your own method and situates your work in relation to a broader artistic and cultural context. The various texts produced within the RW&RM seminar will serve as source material for your text on method. In common with all modules on the course RW&RM serves to support the other elements of the course (Self-directed Research, Issues in Art & Theory, Practice-Group Critiques &c.). Therefore, the text on method will inform your Self-Evaluation at the end of the third trimester and provide the basis for your Graduate Project Proposal that you will produce in the fourth trimester.

10:00 meet in small project space

At the end of the last session you made a draft of your text.

During the last session you also organized for a peer (or peers) to read through and provide advice and comments.

This week we will continue to make the text with the aim to get as near to a finished text as possible.

Steve will be on hand to read your text and discuss it with you

Upload texts here (final upload at 16:25):

texts for self-evaluation seminar 2015


Meet in small project space to

a) review work done today and

b) review the RW&RM seminar

Steve will arrange for some tutorial time over the next few weeks in which the final touches to the text can be discussed.


First Draft

Second Draft

proposal page (2nd Years)


archive RW&RM 2013-2014

wiki style sheet

proposal page (2nd Years)

please link to draft proposals below:

myDraft (Steve)

